Short-term goals:
- Need to find more efficient ways of cutting up plastic bottles
- Collect more plastic milk jugs
- Make another 'pennyboard' deck
- Figure out a better way to melt plastic- use an oven?
Long-term goals-
- Obtained a plastic shredder
- Improve efficiency at melting/ovens
Road Blocks:
- Get trucks and wheels for skateboards( see Amazon for examples)
- Need more( clean!)plastic milk jugs- need issue solicitation for materials
Short-term goals accomplished:
- Bicycle clamp perfected for repair stand
- Improved mechanical advantage of bike stand, stronger structure
- Drew circuit schematic for music bike
- Improved bike stand adjustability
Long-term goals accomplished:
- Bicycle repair stand built
- Structural integrity of bike stand
- Approval
- We need supplies
Aquaponics Group
Short-term goals accomplished:
Short-term goals accomplished:
- New system design
- Restarted old large system
- Completed a water cycle in our tank
- Prototype for auto fish feeder
- Gathered wood from pallets to panel tank
Long-term goals accomplished:
- We are still in the short-term phase
Road-Blocks to progress:
- Getting off-task/losing focus
- Killing fish
- Killing plants
- Not having enough wood
- Christmas music
- Messing up grow-bed water flow
- Interpersonal conflicts(?)
- Fish
- Pallets
Soap Group
Short-term goals accomplished:
- Make soaps from one oil to determine individual oil properties
- Create literature that conveys the message of our project
- List materials that we need
Long-term goals accomplished:
- Prototype one soap recipe to a good formula, and produce a large batch
- Presented the making of soap to a semi-large public audience
Road Blocks:
- Waiting for materials to arrive
- Keeping ourselves busy while we wait for materials
Items for Mr. Peloquin-
- Our project needs successors to continue after we leave
- Our success this year should involve making formulas and pushing out a large quantity of soap
- We need to create a successful soap-making kit
Mr. Dietz
Short-term goals accomplished:
- Rebuilt Weebly site to be more user-friendly, especially for outside public- course outlines, detailed project descriptions, blogs, tools, resources, etc.
- Edited substantial new content for site- links, images, video
- Rebranded Weebly site:
- Created new blog with over 70 detailed posts, including photos and videos
- Set up and stocked electronics/Arduino parts section
- Organized tool section, improved tool supply, especially for electronics,sanding, screws, wrenches, and drills
- Downloaded, printed, mounted, and posted useful engineering posters from MIT D-Lab and Nu-Vu
- Provided technical assistance to student projects Xplorers, 101's, 201's
Long-term goals:
- Increased traffic to site
- Became conversant with Greengineering curriculum
Road Blocks:
- Need more feedback from student and teacher users of Weebly site to make further improvements
- Need to improve purchasing procedures to make supportive of project-based learning( i.e., shorter turn-around time).
Mr. Peloquin
Short-term goals accomplished:
- 4 student projects in process for 201/301's, plus Xplore projects
- Each team has made a SmartSheet Gantt chart to outline their project
- Each team has well-defined goals
- 201's have started a new student blog
- Website has been updated
- Organized evaluation of real-world prototype( SparcWire)
- Ordered project supplies
Long-term goals accomplished:
- Student teams often think that they can come into Greengineering lab and just hang out; will be instituting weekly Design Reviews to help keep groups on track; implementing student-driven projects requires a change in mindset.
- Teams not keeping an eye on Gantt Chart schedule
- Teams not getting feedback before building- soliciting and incorporating user feedback is key to the Design Thinking/Engineering process:
Additional information:
- Teams need to stay on track, and ask for help when they are off track.
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