Algae group-
Bioreactor- difficult to keep the algae in the tubes- may need syringe.
What components and materials will you need to get to build the bioreactor?
What have been the color changes in the algae? You need to log how much food you are giving them.
How will you verify how much light you are actually giving them?
Discussed issue of urea nitrogen vs. nitrate; nitrifying bacteria.
Plants Group-
Ben and Sarah and Joelle met with Principal Turner, who ok'd putting the plants in the window.
Next Project- Mycelium-
Will need an enclosed table space and a way of keeping the mycelium sterile- can utilize a glove bag.
Could use a pressure cooker to kill bacteria. Get advice from Tharun( senior).
Mycelium could be stored in science refrigerator when not in use.
Will make more planters for the window unit. May want to have plants with longer lifespans such as Basil.
Bikes Group-
Has build bikestand and LED lights. Still waiting for a motor- will try Craig's List(?) Freecycle(?). Also- Wireless Router?
Add pictures of the bikestand to the Wiki post- how did you build it.
Aquaponics Group-
Try to grow pea plants--some are collapsing under their own weight.
The ammonia levels are too high-
Overall objective- to successfully grow useful amounts of plants.
What is the growing capacity of your system? What are you trying to grow? How much food would you need to grow to be useful for a homeless shelter?
What the the regulations for what kind of food they are allowed to accept- do they accept fresh produce? See for example:
Will it be useful for them?
Or come up with an alternative goal-
- Teach them how to set up their own system- this can be researched while growing your plants
See template and instructions.
When you're trying to figure something out, such as the ideal nutrient chemistry-
- You need to measure and quantify the change you make ( i.e., light, nutrients, temperature, etc) and the system's response-- don't add something w/o measuring the change it produced and recording it.
You should record the essence of your presentation( words and pictures) in the wiki, and use this when giving your presentation.
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