Saturday, January 21, 2017

Jan 20th- GRNG 101's- Weekly Updates

New algae and growth media ordered-- due in on Tuesday.

End of the term- need grading rubrics submitted; permission slips for Feb 10th field trip.

Materials Group-

Joelle- planters outside-- will need more in spring

Am doing research on mycelum--will present several methods of growing it.

In the past students have used glove bags to keep it sterile.

Mycelium can be stored in the Science department refrigerator.

Bikes Group-

Removed the DC motor from the treadmill that Dr. Tupper and Mr. Peloquin got.

Puts out about 6 volts when spun manually. Will be trying to make a friction connection to the bicycle.

Algae Group-

Algae needs less air flow. May have been over-fed. White cloudiness- needs to be disinfected. Have ordered growth media with new algae from Connecticut Biological. Need to sterilize the bottles when setting up the new system.

Aquaponics System-

Need to measure levels of nitrate and ammonia, etc.

What is a reasonable goal to achieve this year- a portable aquaponics system.

Discussed adding automatic controls.

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