Saturday, December 3, 2016

Dec 2nd- 201/301- Friday Meeting-Presentations

There will be a weekly presentation/discussion by each group.

Sparcwire evaluation- Has been put on hold for now; if changes were made in the system, we would do posts on an as-needed/as-useful basis.

See Blog: for additional information.

Plastics Team- (Toby):

Has modified a discarded paper shredder to work as a plastics shredder for LDPE plastics; fixed loose connection; opened up feeder slot;  acknowledged work from last year's pennyboard team( Maddie); has used materials with fusinizer to create a new Penny Board and to repair a cracked boards.

May try to reach out to Penny ( ) for branding opportunities/parts.

Bicycle Group-

Has done survey of bicycle users using a Google Forms tool-

Surveyed bicycle and skateboard usage; how many users would be interested in using a bicycle shelter and/or skateboard lockers?

Aquaponics Team-

Spencer working on fish feeder mechanism. He will be adding sensors to make it self-regulating.

Jack and Maddie will be working on the lighting system.

Tank team will be adding a drip edge to improve flow over edge

Team will be adding a screen to keep hydroton pellets in.

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