Friday, March 31, 2017

March 31st- 201's- Presentations

The 201's gave short update presentations today:

Aquaponics tank group-

They have finished paneling one long side and one short side of the main tank. They used up the Gorilla Glue and are now uing other adhesive. Next week they need to work with Carpentry to cut up more pallets into pieces, then plan to coat everything in polyurethane.

Aquaponics plants group-

They have transplanted a number of plants, and started new ones. The fine mesh screen on the drain has been clogging up with clay fragments, so they are making a coarser screen using coarser mesh.

They also rearranged the tank room and diss-assembled  shelving.

Next steps will include an auto grow-bed.

Fish Feeder(Spencer)-

Spencer is finishing up the revised fish feeder mechanism, which uses a screw auger:


 Toby demonstrated his new and improved penny-board.

Mr. P-

Margaret Ford from Students for a Greener World( ) was here last week. She would like Green Engineering to present at the Newton Library on May 22nd @ 7 PM.

Each group should make a short video about their project both for the presentation and for the website.

Decide what topics go in, show the team and the prototypes.

Discussed what makes a documentary video- A- roll(interview)+ B-roll (action shots)

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